Weather in Halong Bay

The climate of Halong Bay is tropical, wet, sea islands, with two seasons: hot and moist summer, and, dry and cold winter. The temperature is from 15°C- 25°C, and the rainfall is between 2000mm and 2200mm. Ha Long Bay has the typical diurnal tide system (tide amplitude ranges from 3.5-4m). The sanilityis from 31 to 34.5MT in the dry season and lower in the rainy season.

Best time to visit Halong Bay
All year round except winter as it is quite cold in the winter especially for swimming and the sky is not so clear for a good view of the bay. That means you can go there from April to October. Vietnamese often go there from May to August as this is the hot summer in Northern Vietnam and going to the beach side becomes such a nice experience.However take a look at weather forecast is advisable because if it's going to rain or worse a storm could spoil your visit there.

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